March 12, 2025

Pregnancy Weeks 16-20: Staying Strong

The queasiness has really set in now. In fact it’s more than that.

It’s full on 24 hour nausea. I’m sick of feeling sick, and I am sure David must be sick of hearing me saying how sick I feel. Although I shouldn’t complain as at this point in my previous pregnancies I was suffering with violent sickness and wasn’t able to keep food or water down at all.

So I was prepared for the worst this time round, but it does seem a bit different. The nausea is constant but I am still able to eat. In fact I think snacking is actually helping to ease it slightly.

Pregnant Lady Eating Salad

Despite my symptoms I think I have been maintaining a fairly healthy diet so far. I mean, anything sweet or chocolatey is completely out of the question so that’s helping. I always seem to be more aware of eating healthily in the first half of my pregnancies, and then my good intentions start to wane a little.

No not a little. It’s usually a lot. I am definitely craving more carby foods right now and have been swapping my salads for sandwiches. Oh and I seem to be nuts about nuts. Mixed nuts and raisins, nutty cereal bars, I can’t get enough of them. It was grapefruit with the girls – Ooh, maybe it’s a boy!

With a bit of luck we should be able to find out the sex soon at the anomaly scan. I really can’t wait to know. We found out the sex with the girls too. It definitely helped me to bond more with my growing bump, and also meant we could start getting prepared and drawing up the name list.

OK, so we have started a bit of a name list already. I don’t know why but we seem to find it easier to decide on girl’s names rather than boys. Fortunately we’re both not too far off when it comes to agreeing on names. We’ve never wanted anything too traditional sounding or pretentious. But nothing too faddy either.

Pink and Blue Baby Boots

And talking of bumps, there really isn’t much of one there yet but I’ve definitely noticed that I’m filling out a little. In all the excitement I’ve bought myself some maternity wear. We have a little holiday booked in a couple of weeks and I wanted to make sure I had a bit of a holiday wardrobe but it is all a bit baggy at the moment.

I’ve also been looking into pregnancy exercise classes. I still feel too sick to exert myself in any sort of fitness regime right now but I think it’s something I would like to do as the nausea subsides. I suffered badly with pelvic girdle pain in my last pregnancy, and although I attended some physio based exercise classes towards the end of my pregnancy, I think it was all a little too late. So this time I am determined to stay as active and strong as I can.

Lady Packing Suitcase

Want to read more…Our health expert Katie the Midwife has helpful tips here on pregnancy side effects.

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1st Trimester Pregnancy
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